Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Viva la Italia!

Today I slept well for the first time in months. I seem to have found the right cocktail of pills to knock me out and keep me a little tired during the day so I can fall asleep at night. I had so many weird dreams, though. And all having to do with church, haha. Monsters under the floor of the sacrament room and stuff.

Also today, I went on myspace to find that the one and only LACUNA COIL uploaded a song off their upcoming album, Shallow Life, to be released in April. And I really liked it. More guitar soloing than any of their previous albums, and Cristina always improves.

One of Italy's best [and certainly the most well-known] rock bands. I met them and will never tire of saying "I peed next to Cristina in the bathroom!"

Fitting with my new craving for this ravioli my mum found that complete's my stomach's life. Mushroom thyme ravioli drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with parmesian and herb cheese.

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