Saturday, January 3, 2009

STOLEN BABIES are coming!

It began like any other Saturday-I slept in 'til noon and lounged around until I decided to drive to the library, finding some Brom to look at, vampire novels to read, Cirque du Soleil to listen to, and green raspberry tea to drink when I went upon facebook, a site of which I have a newfound respect for.

It informed me that STOLEN [freaking!] BABIES are accompanying Combichrist to The Avalon in a few weeks. A vessel in my head nearly popped with joy. By the time I had discovered them a couple years ago, they had done shows here before and they were doing one on the day of my deceased grandmother's memorial service along with two of my other favorite bands, Lacuna Coil and Within Temptation. Gah. Sorry Nanny, but you had been in ash form for a few months and I was internally fuming that we couldn't put it off one day. Especially since I heard from others that attended the concert that the Babies and Within Temptation came and hung out with the crowd.

Think a heavier, more intense, female-fronted version of Oingo Boingo with the clinking of metal, the wheezing of accordions, and "creepy little kid voices" singing in the background. Circus music [calliope for those who don't know the term]gone eerily wrong. Their music conjures images of the works of Tim Burton, Gris Grimly, Brom, Edward Gorey. And that one movie Something Wicked This Way Comes. Twisted Moulin Rouge, a bit of zombies, sewers, harpsichords, steampunk, striped stockings, and greasepaint. Maybe something the Joker would listen to.

Therefore I love them.

May I rant a little more on the singer, Dominique Lenore Persi? She was a drama nerd in high school and wrote plays and stuff. She plays the accordion. She has an enormous range-I don't know how high she can go, but she can go to a female tenor [that's pretty low]. And she can scream and then switch back to a voice appropriate for a cabaret show without messing up. While playing the accordion. I'm told she's really tiny-like 5'3"and you listen to her scream and think "How can she hold that much air in her lungs?" She's freaking gorgeous-you can tell
because of the greasepaint that she has perfect skin. This picture won't get any bigger on this blog format, but she's so pretty and of course, is a big fashion inspiration. Gah. I'm going to do my Stolen Babies Street Team duties and put up some flyers, send some emails. They need monies to keep building cool sets and props. My favorite prop that I must mention is a spine that attaches to a microphone stand-it's really nifty. Lemme see if I can find a picture of it. Yup. The angle of this picture doesn't really show how it has the double 's' curve of a human spine, but it does!

Needless to say, I could care less about the headlining act, Combichrist, even though they're cool. At Weber I made some flyers for Who Killed Amanda Palmer? and put them up with the other thousands of flyers on campus, but I think I could just stick a few around the high school like they've done for other local shows. Especially the drama department. Mrs. Fields liked me and always has a spot advertising auditions and plays and the like and if I took thirty seconds to explain that this band was a group of quirky drama kids in high school and now they've toured Europe I'm sure she wouldn't mind. All for promoting practical uses of drama in life.

Now to make some flyers.


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