And then I blurted out the idea of playing egg baseball. We went through several eggs and I documented it. It wasn't as messy as it could have been so we decided to plan a day to do it with much more eggs and frying pans and stuff. Here is the yolk of my work:
And then it was starting to get dark, so regardless of who wasn't there, we decided to take a plate of birthday cake out to the ducks and see if they'd eat it.
The road to the park was a lot longer than I thought it would be, but it was a really cool park. It was surrounded by a stream and bridges and I found a hole in the roots of a riverbank tree that looked liked a troll lived in it. There were scattered playgrounds and pavillions and we played freeze tag in the dark. I never got tagged AND managed to unfreeze Cairo when Scott was right next to him [Scott being "it," this was very cool on my part]. Most physical activity I've had for a while-I outran Scott's Sonic Speed and made it to the safe rock. Oh, the ducks ignored the bits of cake completely. And out of the blue, Cass called [the fact that his phone was busted making it more out of the blue] and I must get working on the interactive, colorful letter-coloring book thing he demanded, ha.
I woke up today with an uneasy stomach. Reminder that I have to be sodding housebound.
But I went to the library and found some Nightwish and Satyricon cds and then drove to the craft store and saw in the dollar aisle a bunch of stationary and picture frames decorated in a Victorian Damask wallpaper style. I stocked up on things. Picture frames will give me something to keep me occupied-repainting them and stuff.
Now I am here, listening to Repo! The Genetic Opera. I really need a copy of this movie. I've seen a couple snippets, read the plotline, and am becoming familiar with the amazing soundtrack. Not to mention Graverobber is really hot AND he worked on the soundtrack with Melora Creagar from Raspu-freaking-tina on the cello [I adore her], which made him more perfect. Here's a picture of him:
Yeah-he looks like a goth elf. Take that, Orlando Bloom!Plus the movie stars Anthony Stewart Head, who I've known as Rupert Giles since second grade on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He's got a set of lungs!
And that's all for now because my stomach doth protest too much.
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