I just found out that Utah has a Repo! shadowcast and I requested a spot and am in! Our state is called The Scalpel SL,UTs [each state has a different "team name" relating to the movie somehow and yes, the term "scalpel slut" is used in the movie for those addicted to plastic surgery].
Some spots were taken and others already had a preset mold that I didn't want to adhere to, so I am a Zydrate addict. Zydrate is a blue, glowing drug taken through a gun for pain relief. Since this takes place in a future of organ failure, GeneCo uses the drug for anesthesia, but people are getting unnecessary parts-body makeovers, surgeries daily-new eyes, new faces, and therefore there are plenty of Zydrate addicts in the grottos and alleyways. Like the morphine and opium addicts of the 1800s.
Some spots were taken and others already had a preset mold that I didn't want to adhere to, so I am a Zydrate addict. Zydrate is a blue, glowing drug taken through a gun for pain relief. Since this takes place in a future of organ failure, GeneCo uses the drug for anesthesia, but people are getting unnecessary parts-body makeovers, surgeries daily-new eyes, new faces, and therefore there are plenty of Zydrate addicts in the grottos and alleyways. Like the morphine and opium addicts of the 1800s.
Shadowcasts try to get a person for each character of the film, to have them be able to dress the part and by whatever means making more people aware of this film [and getting people who worked on it here for screenings, q & a sessions, signings, etc.]. There's a shadowcast for I don't-know-how-many-states, but a lot. And it's quite successful.
Here's a picture of some junkies around GraveRobber: 

Bits of dyed hair, knee high boots, leather and lace and stripes and stained corsets. Combine some steampunk, some cybergoth, a little vinyl, and grunge it up for a vintage-meets-futuristic-goth-meets-the DI. I already have all of that, haha. Speaking of which, I need to get started on my black and brown vertically striped bloomers; I found a dress at the DI made of the perfect material so I didn't have to hunt it down at a fabric store.
Time to sleep, for tomorrow I deconstruct.
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