Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I've been up since 2:15 or so. I don't remember if I had a dream or just woke up. And I can't get back to sleep and likely won't because of my sleep schedule. And I don't want to take any more pills. I've been saying that last one since I was twelve.

I've been ill lately and went to instacare again and after a twenty minute breathing, x-rays, and tests, it is confirmed that I don't have anything. I feel crappy all the time-I know when something's unusually crappy and warrants some looking in to. My oxygen level was in the low 90s, suggesting something like pneumonia, hence the breathing treatment and x-rays, which appeared to have something and then nothing. I wasn't in there for my lungs anyway. It was the pain, the nausea, the fevers, the antibiotics that weren't treating my sinus infection and if the pills were making me sick.

So two and a half hours later, it was determined I didn't have anything. You'd think a person like me would be relieved not to have anything, but something's in my system and I can feel it, pissing me off.

They gave me some anti-nausea medication and some pills that should make my last sinus infection pill work better by making "things open up."

It makes me think of the time Bryan told me he went to the doctor for heartburn and they sent him out saying he had a bladder infection and he said, "No, up here!" Ha.

Let's see if it gets worse, but either way I will be sick on my birthday tomorrow. Whooo.

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